Ankle Arthrodesis

Arthroscopy is a surgical technique that involves using an optic to see inside the joint and miniature surgical instruments. The incisions are small and this form of surgery is less invasive than the technique known as "open". With the evolution of arthroscopic techniques and instruments, arthroscopy allows today to treat a significant number of osteo-articular pathologies.

Arthrodesis involves fusing the ankle bones with each other in order to eliminate the pain associated with osteoarthritis.
This intervention does not prevent the walking or the sporting practice, if the rest of the joint of the foot is healthy.

First, the surgeon removes the damaged cartilage, then the ankle is held by two screws.

There are two techniques of arthrodesis

Ankle arthodesis or tibio-talial arthrodesis

  • Principle : fusion of the bones of the tibia and the talus
  • Anesthesia : general + loco regional
  • Technique : open
  • Hospitalization : 1 to 3 days on average
  • Immobilization : 45 days in a boot, without support.
  • Rehabilitation : no

Subtalar arthrodesis

  • Principle : fusion of the calcaneus (heel) and the talus
  • Anesthesia : general + loco regional
  • Technique : arthroscopy
  • Hospitalization : Outpatient
  • Immobilization : 45 days in a boot, without support.
  • Rehabilitation : no
