Shoulder surgery, arthroscopy, rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocation, arthritis, shoulder prosthesis
Sport surgery, Arthroscopic surgery, Shoulder arthroplasty
- Orthopedic surgeon accredited by HAS
- Resident in surgery of the Hospital (Bordeaux)
- Graduated of polytecnic school in 2000 (X98)
- Graduated in regression and statistical methods (DU 2018)
- Inter-University Diploma of arthroscopy
- Inter-University Diploma of hand and upper limb surgery
- Inter-University Diploma of Microsurgical techniques
- SOFCOT (French Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology)
- SFA (French Society of Arthroscopy)
- SFTS (French Society of Sport Traumatology)
- SOFEC (French Society of Shoulder and Elbow)
- SECEC (European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow)
- CPL Gironde (Commission Paritaire Locale auprès de la CPAM)
- CAO Association (Club Aquitain d’Orthopédie)
- Founder of CARRE in 2016 (Club Aquitain de Reflexion et de Recherche sur l’Epaule)
- Specialised in sport pathology and traumatology
- Practices orthopedic surgery since 2005
- Graduated in arthroscopy since 2008
- Specialised in shoulder surgery since 2010
- Joined the Bordeaux Merignac Sport Clinic in September 2016
- Fellowship with dr SUGAYA (Tokyo) in 2017, international expert in shoulder instability
- Shoulder prosthesis with computer-assisted method since 2018
Research and development
- Dual formation engineer and surgeon
- Developed an innovative computer assisted surgery method based on biplanar imagery (EOS Imaging)
- CNRS research (TIMc-IMAG) for the development of computer assisted surgery method
Publications and Educational Courses
- Oral presentations at regional, national and international conferences : CAO, SFA, SOFCOT, CAOS
- Referenced publications in international scientific journals : JSES (Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery), OTSR (Orthopedics & Traumatology : Surgery & Research), Injury, Archives of Orthopaedics and Traumatology…
- Participates in the redaction of chapters in the book « Shoulder » of the French Society of Arthroscopy
- Teacher of sport medicine in Bordeaux University since 2019