Knee surgery, ligaments, meniscus, cartilage, arthritis, knee prostheses
Sport surgery, Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty
- Orthopaedic surgeon
- SFA (French Society of Arthroscopy)
- SFTS (French Society of Sport Traumatology)
- Founding member and Past-President of GRECMIP (Research and Study Group in Mini Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery)
- GECO (Group for Study in Orthopedic Surgery)
- National Director AAFAS (Academy of Ambulatory Foot & Ankle Surgery)
- Practices orthopedic surgery at the Bordeaux-Merignac Sport Clinic since 1998
– * Contributed to the improvement of arthroscopy techniques of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) by DIDT
– * Practices prosthetic knee surgery with computerized navigation
– * Practices meniscal and cartilaginous surgery (mosaicplasty)
Research and Development
– * Participated in the clinical follow-up of ACL reconstructions
– * Participated in the analysis of the contribution of computerized navigation in the implementation of total knee prostheses
– * Has been associated with the development of a total knee replacement prosthesis
– * Has described innovative fastening systems for the LCA
– * Has worked on the development of customized cutting guides for the implementation of total knee prostheses
Publications and Educational courses
- Participation in the educational courses organized by the SFA
- Has been an instructor during many technical courses in arthroscopic knee surgery
- Has participated in many live surgery demonstrations in Merignac and Paris