Knee surgery, Arthroscopy, Cruciate ligaments, Meniscus, Patellar diseases, Compartment syndrome, Cartilage, Arthritis, Knee arthroplasty.
Sport surgery, Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty
- Orthopaedic surgeon
- Resident in surgery
- SFA (French Society of Arthroscopy)
- SOO (Western Orthopedy Society)
- Practices cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscal surgery and arthroscopic cartilage surgery since 2002 after being trained in one of the founding services of the SFA
– * Highly specialized in arthroscopic surgery and sports surgery
Research and Development
– * Participated in numerous clinical and paraclinical evaluations of ACL reconstruction
– * Studied and published the results of treatment of iliotibial band syndrome
– * Has a particular expertise in the treatment of leg syndrome in athletes
– * Participated in clinical evaluations of several successive ACL reconstruction techniques
– ** by McIntosh with a decline of 14 years
– ** by DIDT with use of reconstruction in 2 bundles
Publication and Educational courses
– * Participation in the Educational courses organized by the SFA
– * Has been an instructor during many Educational courses in arthroscopic knee surgery
– * Participated in a humanitarian mission to Mali for pediatric orthopedic surgery
– * Participated in Live Surgery demonstrations in India, Poland, Mali, Paris and Mérignac