Knee surgery, arthroscopy, ligaments, meniscus, patellar pathologies, cartilage, teenager’s knee, arthritis, knee prosthesis.
Sport surgery, arthroscopic surgery, prosthetic surgery
- Certificate of superior education in surgery
- MD degree in surgery de médecine, chirurgie générale – honorable mention with honors from the jury
- Inter-University diploma of Arthroscopy
- University Diploma in Microsurgical Techniques
- Master of Biological and Medical Sciences
- SFA (French Society of Arthroscopy) Past President 2016-2017
- SOFCOT (French Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology)
- SFTS (French Society of Sport Traumatology)
- ESSKA (European Society of Sport Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy)
- Practiced for 8 years at the Paris Sport Clinic (Paris V)
- Joined the team of the Bordeaux-Merignac Sport Clinic in 2015
- Major contribution to the development of ACL reconstruction with particular expertise on the knee of adolescents
- Collaborated with the largest surgical teams in France, Europe and the United States
- Collaborates with INSEP and several federations to support high-level athletes
Research and Development
- Participated in the SFA symposium on ACL partial disruption
- Directed the SOFCOT Symposium on ACL Reconstructions
Publications and Educational courses
- Participated in the writing of several books in orthopedic and arthroscopic surgery
- Author of 21 referenced scientific articles
- Reviewer and member of the editorial board of several scientific journals
- Oral presentations at national and international scientific congresses : SOFCOT, SFA, ESSKA
- Practical and postgraduate teaching : Rugby University Diploma (Marcoussis)
- Live surgeries in Mérignac, Lyon, Paris