Arthroscopic technique : A miniature camera is inserted through a small incision (portal), and then your surgeon inserts miniature surgical instruments through other portals.
First, the surgeon will observe the condition of the lesions of the tissues (muscles and tendons), the cartilage and the formation of any osteophytes, in order to adapt his surgery very precisely to the observed lesions ; we talk about operational planning.
In the first operative time, an instrument called a shaver (i.e. a motorized cutter) is introduced to carry out resection of the subacromial bursa. If the long head of biceps tendon is inflammatory, pathological or dislocated, a release of the tendon will be performed
The second operative time is that of the bone resection, that is to say of the "flattening" of the acromion
The third operative stage is that of tendons repair.
A suture is passed through the tendon, followed by traction to bring the tendon back to the place where it is to be reinserted on the great tuberosity (the humeral head).
Depending on the size of the lesion, several sutures may be required. They are fixed with one or more impacted anchors in the major tuberosity.
- Anesthesia : general + loco regional
- Technique : arthroscopy
- Hospitalization : Outpatient care
- Immobilization : elbow to the body, from 2 to 6 weeks depending on the size of the tear.
- • Immediate passive rehabilitation : 3 times a week until recovery of complete passive articular mobility
- • Postoperative visit : 6 to 8 weeks after surgery