Talar Dome Lesions

Osteo means bone and chondral means cartilage. An osteochondral defect is a simultaneous inflammation of the bone and its cartilage. It can be assimilated to a form of osteoarthritis due to the irreversible nature of the lesions and the gradual worsening of the disease.

The osteochondral lesions of the Talar dome (also called LODA) are located at the level of the bone of the foot called the talus, situated between the heel and the tibia and used to extend or flex the ankle.

These lesions may be of traumatic origin (sprains, instability) but also metabolic or genetic and will alter the shape and structure of the bone and cartilage (cyst, necrosis).
The development is painful, swelling and blockages of the joint can make sporting or even walking difficult.

Your surgeon will need a an X-ray with specific profiles as well as an MRI or CT-arthrography in order to evaluate the lesions on soft tissue.

Inquire in advance is mandatory in order to perform the most suitable examination

Treatment options

Medical Treatment

Analgesics and anti-inflammatories as well as the wearing of an orthopedic sole constitute the first instance treatment. To relieve the painful phenomena, an injection of corticoids or hyaluronic acid can also be considered.

Surgical Treatment
In case of persistence and aggravation of the pain, surgery can be decided. Several surgery techniques may be considered according to the importance of the lesions :

  • Curettage (resection of diseased tissues (bone and cartilage)
  • Graft filling (fills the spongy bone cavity)
  • Cartilage grafting (also called mosaicplasty)
